Does adrenal fatigue really exist?


The answer to this question depends on who you ask it to.  Most medical doctors in Canada (probably the US as well) will say that there is no such thing as adrenal fatigue.  Most naturopathic doctors in Canada (and the US) will say that it does exist and many of their patients ‘suffer’ from it. In a purely semantic sense [...]

Does adrenal fatigue really exist?2025-01-21T08:45:33+08:00

Statin drugs


(originally posted in January of 2010 and re-posted here) read order:  cholesterol, research, statin drugs) Here we go on Cholesterol lowering drugs. Really were going to be talking about statin drugs here, since they are the big money makers for the pharmaceutical companies, and the big financial drain for the patients. I wrote a general blog on research and information [...]

Statin drugs2025-01-21T08:46:10+08:00

Research (statins?)


(originally posted in January of 2010 and re-posted here) read order:  cholesterol, research, statin drugs OK, so here’s the pre-blog on cholesterol lowering drugs. I ended up writing a lot about research in general and the delivery of information, so I decided to do the blog about statins later ... in case some of you didn’t want to read the [...]

Research (statins?)2025-01-21T08:47:08+08:00



(originally posted in January of 2010 and re-posted here) read order:  cholesterol, research, statin drugs This will be the first on a series of blogs on Cardiovascular disease (CVD). The first time most people are told they are at risk for CVD is when their cholesterol levels are checked and they come back slightly high (or they have high blood [...]


Reverse ageing with bio-identical hormones


Reduced levels of hormones are not the only cause of the signs and symptoms of ageing, but they are the biggest. Balancing hormones can reverse the signs and symptoms of ageing. This does not only include the physical signs, such as sagging skin, abdominal fat, cellulite, reduced muscle tone, and weak bones, it also includes mental and emotional [...]

Reverse ageing with bio-identical hormones2025-01-21T08:47:43+08:00



  Did you know? Inflammation is a healing process and without inflammation there would be no healing Ice, anti-inflammatories, and corticosteroids (cortisone shots) will slow (and in many cases prevent) healing, but they will reduce pain reduction in pain does not mean that an injury is healed, in fact cortisone shots (the most potent of the anti-inflammatories) put an [...]

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