IV therapies consist of combinations of carrier solutions, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, and detox factors tailored to balance the body and it’s individual needs. Chelation therapy consists of an IV with a chelating agent called EDTA, vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial substances. It is used to pull heavy metals from the body and treat cardiovascular disorders.
Prolotherapy consists of the injection of a proliferant solution into joints, ligaments, or tendons to activate the body’s ability to regenerate and restructure connective tissue to its pre-injury state. Variations on simple prolotherapy, and practiced at Red Cedar Health, include ozone and platelet-rich plasma (PRP)
Dr. Fernyhough is one of the foremost experts on hormone therapy in the Fraser Valley. He is extensively trained in the use of bio-identical hormones and their use in PMS, fertility, pre-menopause, and post menopausal issues for women, prostate and quality of life issues for men, and libido, sexual performance, and anti-ageing issues for both women and men.
Ozone therapy comes in many forms and treats many conditions. It can clear infections inside the body and on the skin. It can increase the strength of the immune system and the circulatory system when given internally, and can heal ulcers, burns, herpes sores, and many other skin conditions when used externally.
Lyme disease and co-infections have become a major issue in many parts of the world, including the Fraser Valley. While most of the medical associations in the US and Canada are ignoring or denying the existence of chronic Lyme disease, some individual clinics, such as Red Cedar Health, are aggressively working towards successful treatment of those long suffering with this disease.