Project Description

Ozone is a molecule made up of 3 atoms of oxygen.  The standard oxygen molecule is made up of 2 oxygen atoms.  Ozone is created with an electrical charge in the presence of oxygen.  This happen in nature during lightning storms, where the lightning is creating an electrical charge across the oxygen contained in the air.  The ozone molecule is much less stable than the oxygen molecule.  The unstable nature of ozone makes it very reactive in the body.  This reaction, called an oxidative reaction, is fairly rapid.  The ozone molecule will break down and create much more stable oxygen molecules.  Even though you might hear a lot about antioxidants and how they are good and oxidants are bad, things are not that simple.  Its like the Yin and the Yang; too much Yin or too much Yang or not good things.  Sometimes you need more Yin and sometimes you need more Yang.  There is a balance going on.  It is the same with oxidation and reduction (anti-oxidation).  You have both going on in the body and they need to be balanced.  There are times when oxidation (in certain areas) needs to be greater and times when reduction needs to be greater.  For instance, your immune system uses oxidation to kill micro-organisms such as bacteria and fungi.  When oxygen is used in the creation of energy, oxidative molecules are produced as a bi product.  Ozone itself is oxidative, but it stimulates the body to create more antioxidants, and these antioxidants will be present long after the ozone is broken down.

Ozone is used in therapy to kill infections in or on the body, but it also stimulates the immune system, increased circulation, and increases the delivery of oxygen to the tissues, including the brain.  This may be why there is some suggestion that ozone is a helpful treatment in traumatic brain injury (ie. concussion).